Theo Moreland

Software Engineer

About me

I started programming in 2018 upon attending LaunchCode's free coding boot camp. After my first few classes, I realized I had a passion for programming! Post course completion, I maintained my momentum by staying involved in programming academically and professionally.

In 2019, I enrolled in a bachelor's degree program at Lindenwood University and a data analytics boot camp at Washington University in Saint Louis. After completing my second coding boot camp, I went on to work as an IT Consultant at Daugherty Business Solutions. During my time at Daugherty, I contributed as a Data Engineer, Full Stack Developer, and Mobile Developer.

In between college classes and my work as an IT Consultant, I also worked as a Teaching Assistant across two coding boot camps and three cohorts, twice as a TA for LaunchCode's Lc101, once as a TA for Southern Methodist University's Full Stack Flex (via edX / Trilogy Education Services).


Work experience


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"Project List"

An alternative view of my public GitHub repositories. A list dynamically generated via GitHub API, JavaScript, and React.

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Belly Button Biodiversity

An interactive dashboard for exploring the various bacteria present on the human belly button. Created with Python (Flask), SQLAlchemy ORM, Pandas, JavaScript, d3, Plotly, Highcharts, and Docker.

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A rudimentary Python (Flask) based blogging platform. Uses Flask, SQLAlchemy ORM, PostgreSQL, CSS, JavaScript, and Docker.

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Shelf Check

A VBA macro that incorporates barcode scanning to support workers in the identifying, tracking, and rearranging of seed containers.


Wash U Data Analytics Boot Camp Class (2019)
LaunchCode's GeekGala 2019
My first cohort as a TA (LaunchCode 2020)
Daugherty University - Data Analytics Cohort (2020)
Dev Team "Mighty Ducks" - Bayer & Daugherty (2021)
SMU Boot Camp Celebration (2022)